
Spoiled Milk/Expired Milk Powder :

When the milk seems to be unfit for the usage, it leaves curds or precipitates which indicate that the milk has been spoiled subsequently expired milk powder when converted into liquid form, it will be found spoiled as well as the milk was found spoiled if it is properly expired. Most of the time, milk powder is found fit for consumption even after the expiry date because of the good manufacturing mechanism as well as the high quality of the ingredients. This proper expired milk powder cannot be used unless re-processed with modern techniques for consumption which are available now.

History :

In ancient times, spoiled milk/ expired milk powder was treated as a wastage material because of the lack of proper awareness of modern techniques of refurbishment of dry milk powder. By using modern techniques to make this spoiled milk after re-processing for the consumption latest technology was introduced to preserve the milk and to enhance the shelf life of milk powder by reprocessing/refreshing. But what after the shelf life has expired? This expired milk powder can be used in different ways. The secret is discovered now and it’s being followed by developed countries like Australia, New Zealand and India are availing this technique and taking advantage of it. Others, under-developing countries are buying modern techniques/dairy units to produce fresh milk powder as well as re-furbished milk powder with the enhanced shelf life so that it is not to be treated as wastage in any condition as it is proved to be very beneficial in any of its situation.

Types of Milk :

Milk is of two types:

1). Full Cream Milk Powder (FCMP):
2).Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP).

1). FCMP:
It stands for Full Cream Milk Powder. It is also called Whole Milk Powder. Dry whole milk powder is usually obtained by removing water from pasteurized, homogenized whole milk. It may also be obtained by blending fluid, condensed or skimmed milk powder with liquid or dry cream or with fluid, condensed or dry milk, provided the composition of the dry whole milk powder conforms to the country’s Federal Standards.

It contains two types of subcategories which are as follows:
A). FCMP containing Animal Fats:
These fats are naturally in the milk so just we have to use spray dry technique to produce FCMP. No extraction is needed to take any ingredient out in this type of full cream milk powder. Spray dryers are used to convert liquid milk into powder milk form.
B). FCMP containing Vegetable Fats:
Extraction is needed in this type of full cream milk powder to replace it into powder form. Due to this replacing, the prepared FCMP is called FCMP Replacer. After extraction, natural milk fats are taken out then vegetable fats are added to compensate the absence of natural fats in the milk. Then it is converted into powder form for the consumption. After re-furbishing process, shelf life of the milk is automatically enhanced.

2). SMP:
It stands for skimmed milk powder. It is obtained by removing water from pasteurized skim milk. This milk contains low fat and it is dehydrated milk without cream in it. Dehydrated skimmed milk powder used extensively as a milk replacer provided it is not too expensive. It is a high protein supplement but deficient in vitamins A and D both of which will have been extracted with the butterfat.
If any of these milk types have the shelf life expired, then it indicates that it is not fit for human consumption. However, it cannot be treated as wastage because it can be re-furbished for further use. By re-furbishing, shelf life of the product is automatically enhanced.

Re-processing/Re-furbishing of Expired FCMP/SMP :

This expired milk powder can be reprocessed in such way that the dry milk powder will be converted into liquid form in the bulk storage tank. Then the liquid milk will be processed and flash cooled to an appropriate degree Celsius. Heated liquid milk is transferred to the scraped surface heater through evaporator tanks, which helps to drying and this eliminate the extra water. It is then transferred to the spray dryer’s plant. Spray dryer will be forced by very hot air of a high degree Celsius. The high heat evaporates the water and the powder is sprayed out through the nozzles. This step lowers the moisture content from just under half to about 6 percent. The powder is spray dried at the big chambers as more air is blown through it to reach the ideal moisture level i.e. 2 to 4 percent. So the resultant would be a final full cream dry milk powder. This big reprocess is carried out in developed countries like Australia, India and New Zealand and on the top most in USA but under-develop countries are trying to adopt this process.

Usage of Re-furbished/Re-processed Milk /Milk Powder !

After re-processing, this re-furbished milk can be used to extract cheese, whey powder, proteins etc. Following points with links as proof can be undertaken to understand the concept of re-furbished milk usage below:

1). A dessert of India/Pakistan that primarily uses only sugar and spoiled milk. It’s a great way to use milk which has just expired (slightly expired not too much nasty moldy). Cooking time includes the refrigeration time.

2). Cheese is made from the spoiled milk to use in different food items like Paneer, the versatile Indian farmer’s cheese used in everything from deep fried appetizers to spicy spinach dishes to desserts. With little taste of its own, it makes a great meat substitute, taking on the flavor or whatever it's cooked with. It's essentially just boiled milk, curdled with an acidic agent (you can use vinegar, yogurt, lemon juice, etc.), with the solids strained through a cheesecloth and, if a harder consistency is desired, pressed under a hard object. So the resultant would be paneer which is used as a flavouring agent in many delicious dishes.
3). Spoiled milk is used to repair the skin cells. Different face or body masks are prepared for the skin which treats the dead skin cells. Even the worst type of milk contains essential ingredients which are worth repairing the skin cells and give the skin a perfect light glow.

Usage for Animal Feed :

Apart from the usage of refurbished expired milk powder for human consumption, it can be used in animal poultry feed as an essential ingredient. It can be included in the diets of pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry and horses by the consultant of the doctor for the correct percentage of diet for the animals.

The composition of full cream milk powder for animal feed as directed by the physician is given below:
The composition of skimmed milk powder for animal feed as directed by the physician is given below:

If the milk is in its worst condition, even then it can be used for different purposes. Milk powder should not be destroyed in any case as it is one of the most beneficial natural blessings of God and should be availed it for our own benefits. Now developed countries do not waste even the worst quality of expired milk powder and availing it in different food as well as other products after refurbishing which require any type of milk as an essential ingredient. Under-develop countries intend to use it for different purposes if they get enough required sources and modern equipments.
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